I want..
My dream is for us to love each other in such a way that angels wish we were on their shores.
A love that will bring Romeo and Juliet back from the dead and cause cupid to lose his posts is what I desire.
To be taken to greater heights,
So that he knows, I want to love him so much that it will bring back the dead.

To kneel, and say I am sorry
To sleep and dream about him
A love that changes the heart of the devil is what I seek
I want a love..
That will make man,
Say why not me..
The kind of love that makes women jealous
There will be no other love like it, even the heavens will agree
A love that makes the world go round is what I seek
I would give you my physical heart if I could
To prove to you what i feel is real
Then you would want this love too