I am sorry I did not see you there. I have been hoping for a phone call since this morning. Anyway, I'm Aphrodite. If you need to know how I got my name, let me know later. Almost 23 years have passed since my parents died in an airplane crash. At the moment, I live with my grandmother, who's the sweetest lady I know. Has love also been terrible luck to you, as it was to me? For me, it's been nothing but heartbreaks all along, and I even wonder if my name could change the outcome. My age won't matter until I reach menopause, so don't say I'm young.
I'm just a simple waitress who didn't complete her studies. Keeping me in school is something my grandmother has done. Due to her advancing age, she was unable to work like she used to. In order to support her and me, I got this job. There are definitely cute guys in the store, right? I know you must be asking. Unfortunately, I never get to meet them. Since I work in a coffee shop that is usually packed with senior citizens.
It's not always pink roses in life. The idea that I like girls was always in my grandmother's head, but I'm just having trouble finding the right guy to date. Since the pandemic, dating has become harder. You meet a guy today, but the next day he says he can't see you because he's busy. They'll tell you the next thing I've tested positive for Corona until you won't hear from them again. Please allow me to express my condolences to all those whose loved ones were lost in this epidemic.
Hence, I won't waste your time complaining about my sad life. I hope this experience makes you both laugh and cry. My diary is up for public viewing. I hope we can all learn something from it. Now I have to take a call from my annoying boss, see you later. Bye.